Digital Transformer :
Cabinet-Conseil Patrice Ciana includes in its developments of products and services various knowledges of the family of the Digital Transformer professions.
Here is a recent description of these:
1. The Digital Transformer family of trades represents the main skills sought by Swiss companies, according to a study * published in 2019.
They are essentially the Data Analyst and the Digital Transformation Manager (CDO) who have the mandate to propose and support digital strategies.

2. The Data Analyst is the one who will interpret customer data in order to understand their habits and their needs, with the objective of anticipating the transformation of the company's services and products. Its proposals will be implemented in collaboration with the CDO and the heads of the various departments of the company.
3. The CDO (Chief Digital Officer) is the Head of Digital Transformation in all types of businesses.
He is required to collaborate with all the managers of the company in order to implement with them, the most suitable digital solutions (possibly disruptive) stemming from data analysis, with the aim of improving the performance of companies.
*Sources : « Les métiers du Digital en Suisse », Mrs Genolet, with the support of La Fédération des Entreprises Romande (Genva) and by the Centre Patronal Vaudois published mid-February 2019. For further information (RSR Radio Suisse Romande “Ces nouveaux métiers de la transformation digitale » (link : of January 26, 2019.